榮華旅行社(成立於 1996年),是 ATOL 和 IATA 國際航空運輸協會會員。本社專營往中國﹑台灣﹑香港﹑越南﹑泰國﹑新加坡﹑馬來西亞等之各大航空公司機票之外,亦可安排前往世界各地亞洲﹑澳洲﹑美洲﹑歐洲等之機票。本社是長榮及中華航空特約代理商,有學生優惠﹑社團旅遊﹑旅遊保險﹑代辦旅遊簽證﹑世界各地旅館和歐洲之星火車票,而且價錢公道。榮華旅行社童叟無欺,只要您來電話訂位,本社有熟練之同仁會以普通話﹑廣東話﹑潮州話﹑客家話﹑越南話或者英語,為您服務,優惠價視季節而定。歡迎您隨時來電查詢,我們當竭誠為您服務。
Fortune Travel Ltd (est. 1996), is an ATOL and International Air Transport Association fully bond holder. Consolidator agent for Eva Air and China Airlines. Our agency has a reputation of being reliable and offers good quality services. We specialise in travel to Far East Asia destinations, U.S.A and Europe with all different major airlines. With our experienced and efficient staff, we can provide a service in several languages: English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Chaozhou, and Vietnamese etc. With our competitive pricing, we provide special fares for students ISIC cardholders. All fares are seasonally determined.
We provide the following services:
Worldwide Air Tickets 世界各地機票
Worldwide Hotels 世界各地旅館
Worldwide Tours 世界各地旅遊團
Eurostar & Hotel Package 歐洲之星火車票
Tourist Visa Service 旅遊簽證